Free access to Sleepio and Daylight is active now until 31st December 2020. This is available to all Social Care staff in England and Wales, including former staff returning to the workforce.


Sleepio is a clinically-evidenced sleep improvement programme that is fully automated and highly personalised, using cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep.

How do I access Sleepio?

  1. Click on the following link on your laptop or desktop computer: 
  2. Sign up for an account using your name and email address
  3. Click ‘Personalise Sleepio’
  4. Get started


Daylight is a smartphone-based app that provides help to people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety, using evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques, voice, and animation.

How do I access Daylight? 

  1. Click on the following link:
  2. Answer a few questions to tailor the programme to you
  3. Sign up for an account using your name and email address
  4. Download the Daylight smartphone app (search ‘Daylight - Worry Less’ on both iPhone and Android).